Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

What a crazy weekend!!! So we decided to go in on a boat with our best friend Jake and Ellie. We have taken the boat out a couple of time up to pine view and have had so much fun. Well we decided to head up to Flaming Gorge this weekend yes the GORGE not GEORGE so I cant spell. Anyways we left Friday after noon after Berlyn's six month check up. By the way she is now 18lbs 7 oz's and 27 inches she is in the 88 th percentile for both her weight and height. Such a big Girl!
So we started out the trip with her just having four shots, ears pierced and her getting her second tooth! she did so well I'm so proud of my little angle. So we arrived at camp just before dark set up camp had a fire and went to bed. The next morning we went out on the lake to start our attempt at wake boarding. Matt, Ellie, and I are all still attempting. Jake is the only one who has been able to get up. Matt bruised his leg pretty good attempting it, Ellie almost made it and then the white caps came needless to say we decided to stop and head in before it got bad. We started to head in and water just started to pour into the boat it was so windy it had made it so wavy that you had to basically troll to keep from getting splashed but even that didn't help. We finally made it to the dock loaded up the boat and decided to head back to camp till it calmed down. Later that evening we went back on the lake to fish. I actually caught a fish. Yes it was tiny but I still caught one. We wanted to stay on the lake at night because they always do fire works on labor day weekend but we weren't sure what day they were on so we headed back in and just as we got to the dock the sky started to light up behind the mountain. So of course we missed them.
We got up the next morning and the guys headed out to go fishing and came back because it was to stormy. We all hung out and napped the rest of the day. The boys decided to go prairie dog hunting and we were going to meet them for diner at the lodge when they were done. Ellie and I decided to watch a movie in the Hummer to kill time and yes the battery died so we had to find someone to jump us. We made it to dinner had an awesome meal ( I think we were all sick of hot dogs) We headed back to camp and by the time we got there it had started to rain. Then it rained and rained and did I mention it rained. It did not stop once it just pounded us. We had water in our tent along with the dust from before it rained and Matt had water dropping on him all night long. Plus we had Berlyn sleep with us so she wouldn't freeze, so neither of us slept she is a bed hog. She kept kicking Matt and me all night. Finally morning came and we decided to head out and get some breakfast before we left. So we packed up camp and got soaked in the process. We ate and were about to head out and then Berlyn pooped through her diaper in to her pants! Once we finally made it out on the road the cover for the boat kept trying to fly off I think we stopped 3 times and took it off or fixed something so it wouldn't fly out in the middle of a snow storm none the less! (Sorry didnt get many photos this time!) Event after all that we had a good time just being together!


Kelsey-boo said...

man that sucks that it rained so much. you guys are braver than me i would've been in the car or something by then!

kinda off subject and all but how'd you get the music?? i like you songs!

Ellie and Jake Bird said...

What a wonderful weekend that was! Good thing we still had fun! =)